Biogas Pilot Project


With the continues devastating impacts climate change has on communities with developing nations being greatly impacted than developed nations there is call for clean projects for community welfare. Waste management, deforestation among others greatly contributes to global carbon footprints. In the case of developing countries, women manage household waste, provide cooking energy in the form of firewood and have to provide water for the household. These make women more vulnerable and affected by these setbacks with gender based violence on the rise.


To manage household organic waste.

To reduce green house gases while producing clean energy for cooking.

Reducing the respiratory impact of smoke from fire wood on women through the use of clean cooking energy

  • It is therefore time to delve into clean solutions in mitigating climate change and equally catering for the health of these community people. Women should be involved in these actions and

This biogas pilot project is already providing clean cooking gas to three households with a 6 by 1.5m digester. The three household provide sufficient organic waste as feedstock for the digester. The production is boosted with cow dung. We see possibilities of scaling on the project with sufficient resources to provide an anaerobic digester plant.

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